WOMEN’S DRESSES & JUMPSUITS Everyday dressesShop all Knit dressesShop all Wear-to-work dressesShop all Party dressesShop all Vacation dressesShop allHome/shop all/women/dresses & jumpsuitsSHOP ALL WOMEN'S DRESSES & JUMPSUITSHide FiltersFeaturedFeaturedPrice: Low - HighPrice: High - LowTop RatedNew Arrival43 itemsOccasioneveryday (16)party (22)workwear (14)beachwear (3)Lengthmini (4)knee length (2)midi (22)maxi (6)SizeClassicPetiteTall00024681012141618202224XX-SMALLX-SMALLSMALLMEDIUMLARGEX-LARGEXX-LARGE2X3XPETITE 00PETITE 0PETITE 2PETITE 4PETITE 6PETITE 8PETITE 10PETITE 12PETITE XX SMALLPETITE X SMALLPETITE SMALLPETITE MEDIUMPETITE LARGETALL 2TALL 4TALL 6TALL 8TALL 10TALL 12TALL 14TALL 16TALL 18TALL 20TALL X-SMALLTALL SMALLTALL MEDIUMTALL LARGETALL X-LARGEColorblack (18)blue (4)brown (1)gray (1)multicolor (5)navy (4)neutral (5)red (8)white (2)Patternanimal print (1)dots (1)floral (3)graphic (1)stripes (2)Silhouettea line (3)knit dress (10)nonwaisted (2)sheath (9)shirt dress (6)slip (1)vacation (9)Fabriccashmere (2)cotton (2)cotton blends (6)linen (3)other (15)wool (2)wool blends (4)Discount40% - 50% off (2)less than 40% off (18)Trendingbest seller (33)top rated (11)new - last 4 weeks (21)Brandchristopher john rogers (1)Re-imaginedre-imagined (9)organic (2)best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerDrapey pleated shirtdress in bow printJPY 39,375-JPY 41,587best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerDrapey pleated shirtdressJPY 39,375-JPY 41,587best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerDrapey pleated shirtdress in leopard printJPY 39,375-JPY 41,587best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerBallet dress with chiffon skirtOriginal Price: JPY 37,163Sale Price: JPY 24,222(35% Off)best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerBallet dress with chiffon skirtOriginal Price: JPY 37,163Sale Price: JPY 24,222(35% Off)best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerElena puff-sleeve dress in crepe de chineOriginal Price: JPY 39,375Sale Price: JPY 25,328(36% Off) Classic, Petite, Tallbest sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerPortfolio dress in ponteOriginal Price: JPY 28,315Sale Price: JPY 19,798(30% Off)best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerPortfolio dress in ponteOriginal Price: JPY 28,315Sale Price: JPY 19,798(30% Off)best sellerQUICK SHOPbest sellerPortfolio dress in ponteOriginal Price: JPY 28,315Sale Price: JPY 19,798(30% Off)43 Items