From the people who create our products to the impact we have on the planet, we’re committed to doing better at every step of the way—right down to the moment your package arrives at your door.Our OperationsRE-IMAGINED

By 2025, 100 percent of the plastic and paper we use in our packaging will come from sustainable sources. Here’s more on our progress so far…
- Currently, 41 percent of our paper and plastic packaging types is 100 percent sustainably sourced—a 28 percent increase over 2020.
- All our polybags are 100 percent recycled content, avoiding over 1.6 million pounds of virgin plastic each year.
- All our shopping bags are made from 100 percent recycled paper and contain at least 40 percent postconsumer recycled content.
- We converted our plastic air pillows to a paper alternative, and are continuing to work cross-functionally to address our packaging goals.

will be carbon neutral.Learn about our progress toward our goals
We are hard at work building upon our core public commitment to address climate change across the distribution centers, offices, stores and our supply chain. We are proud to announce that we have formalized our commitment toward achieving a science-based target that addresses our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and supports our carbon-neutrality goal.
Here are some of the projects we are working on to reduce our energy use and climate impact:
Here are some of the projects we are working on to reduce our energy use and climate impact:
- Our NYC headquarters is located in a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certified building.
- Our Distribution Centers were retrofitted with LED light bulbs, reducing our energy use.
- We have encouraged our suppliers to set their own science-based targets through our partnership with the Apparel Impact Institute.
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